• the dam before the tragedy - archive photo (courtesy fondazione vajont)
  • the vajont dam/line - photo giacomo de donà
  • nuovo spazio di casso and the landslide - photo giacomo de donà
  • the dam framed - photo giacomo de donà

On 18th July, at 5 pm at the Nuovo Spazio di Casso, the results of Twocalls will be presented to the public.
During the event there will also be the opening of 
twocalls, la forma delle idee (twocalls, the shape of ideas, in English), where a selection of the finalist projects will be exhibited. Through this exhibition the genesis, the meaning and the current state of this contest-ideative project, that aims to rethink the relationship between the Vajont area and its history, its tragedy, its human physical and cultural landscape, will be recounted.
The exhibition will be open from 18th July to 16th August.
Opening hours: from Thursday to Sunday, 10-12 am, 3-7 pm.

During the opening the complete program of Dolomiti Contemporanee‘s summer activities in Casso and in the Friulian Dolomites will be presented too.
More on www.dolomiticontemporanee.net .



Sabato 18 luglio, alle ore 17.00 presso il Nuovo Spazio di Casso, saranno presentati gli esiti del Concorso Artistico Internazionale Two calls for Vajont, lanciato da Dolomiti Contemporanee a giugno 2014.
Con l’occasione sarà inaugurata Twocalls, la forma delle idee, una esposizione di alcuni dei progetti selezionati nella fase finale del Concorso, attraverso la quale si racconta la genesi, il senso, lo stato attuale di questo concorso-progetto ideativo, che vuol ripensare il rapporto con la storia, la tragedia, il paesaggio umano, fisico, culturale, dell’area del Vajont.
La mostra rimarrà aperta dal 18 luglio al 16 agosto, con i seguenti orari:
dal giovedì alla domenica,  10.00-12.00 e 15.00-19.00.

Verrà inoltre presentato il programma di eventi che si svolgeranno a Casso e nelle Dolomiti friulane nel corso dell’estate.
Maggiori informazioni su www.dolomiticontemporanee.net .


DC2015_Casso 18 luglio



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Visions, projects, projections from Vajont

Nuovo Spazio di Casso
Sturday, November 20th 2021, 9.30 AM/1.00 PM

A meeting open to designers, and to those interested in the themes and practices of land regeneration.

Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) will host a new meeting inside the Spazio di Casso al Vajont.

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Friday, August 6th 2021, 3 – 6 PM, panel:

Dolomiti Contemporanee: cogeneration of cultural corrugation

Italian Pavilion “Resilient Communities” Venice’s Arsenale , 17. Venice Architecture Biennale

Dolomiti Contemporanee has been operating since 2011, recovering and restarting great, abandoned or troubled sites, which represent unexhausted resources for the territory.

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Tuesday, June 15th 2021, 2 – 4 PM, webinar panel:

two calls for vajont: fase _restart.
Vajont: re-action, design, resilience

The International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont was launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) in 2014.
In 2020, thanks to a collaboration with ETRAR.T.E.

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