• the dam before the tragedy - archive photo (courtesy fondazione vajont)
  • the vajont dam/line - photo giacomo de donà
  • nuovo spazio di casso and the landslide - photo giacomo de donà
  • the dam framed - photo giacomo de donà

The first phase of the twocalls contest is coming to its end. It only will be possible to send projects for a call for a wall and a call for a line until April the 30th.
Twocalls is a contest of ideas that, through artistic projects, increases the amount of active and projective reflection on the critical Vajont area. The public display and sharing of the ideas/projects is one of the focal points of this reasoning on the contemporary landscape, or crisis landscape, landscape of the living human being.
The artists who have already sent us their project have understood the importance of inserting their contribution inside a collective, participant reasoning, which has as its goal in the rethinking of the landscape itself.

During the month of April it’s going to be possible to take part in the last few surveys in the Vajont area, which are beneficial for a deeper comprehension of the environmental, landscape-related, human, cultural and historic contexts, in prospect of the realisation of one’s own project for twocalls.

The next available dates to visit the crowning of the dam are:
Sunday, April the 5th 2015
Monday, April the 6th 2015
Saturday, April the 25th 2015
Sunday, April the 26th 2015
The visits begin at 10:00 am, and then every half hour. The last visit begins at 5:00 pm.
The visits to the crowning are possible thanks to the collaboration of the Friulan Dolomites Natural Park.

To book a visit, it is necessary to get in touch with our staff in advance at: info@twocalls.net



la prima fase del concorso twocalls volge al termine. sarà possibile inviare il proprio progetto per a call for a wall e per a call for a line solo fino al 30 aprile.
twocalls è un concorso di idee che, attraverso i progetti artistici, incrementa una riflessione attiva e proiettiva sull’area critica del vajont. la pubblicazione e condivisione delle idee-progetto, è uno dei fulcri di questo ragionamento sul paesaggio contemporaneo, paesaggio della crisi, paesaggio dell’uomo vivo.
gli artisti che hanno già inviato il proprio progetto hanno colto l’importanza di inserire il proprio contributo all’interno di un ragionamento collettivo, partecipato, che intende ripensare il paesaggio.

nel mese di aprile sarà possibile effettuare gli ultimi sopralluoghi nell’area del vajont, utili a comprenderne a fondo il contesto ambientale, paesaggistico, umano, culturale e storico, in vista della realizzazione del proprio progetto per twocalls.

le prossime date disponibili per visitare il coronamento della diga sono:
domenica 5 aprile 2015
lunedì 6 aprile 2015
sabato 25 aprile 2015
domenica 26 aprile 2015
le visite iniziano alle 10.00 e partono ogni mezz’ora. L’ultima visita parte alle ore 17.00.
Le visite al coronamento sono possibili grazie alla collaborazione del parco naturale dolomiti friulane.

Per prenotare una visita è necessario contattare con un congruo anticipo il nostro staff all’indirizzo info@twocalls.net .

diga del vajont - foto courtesy fondazione vajontthe vajont dam before the disaster (upstream view) – archive photo courtesy fondazione vajont




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Visions, projects, projections from Vajont

Nuovo Spazio di Casso
Sturday, November 20th 2021, 9.30 AM/1.00 PM

A meeting open to designers, and to those interested in the themes and practices of land regeneration.

Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) will host a new meeting inside the Spazio di Casso al Vajont.

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Friday, August 6th 2021, 3 – 6 PM, panel:

Dolomiti Contemporanee: cogeneration of cultural corrugation

Italian Pavilion “Resilient Communities” Venice’s Arsenale , 17. Venice Architecture Biennale

Dolomiti Contemporanee has been operating since 2011, recovering and restarting great, abandoned or troubled sites, which represent unexhausted resources for the territory.

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Tuesday, June 15th 2021, 2 – 4 PM, webinar panel:

two calls for vajont: fase _restart.
Vajont: re-action, design, resilience

The International Artistic Contest Two Calls for Vajont was launched by Dolomiti Contemporanee (DC) in 2014.
In 2020, thanks to a collaboration with ETRAR.T.E.

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